Thursday, January 24, 2008

Wordly Wise #10: A Day at School (continued)

When Jenny walked into the class room she found that even though the rest of the school was silent her class was in a turmoil, people running around, sitting at other people’s desks oh you name it! It was so loud that her own voice was muted by the many voices of other people.

When Jenny’s teacher clapped his hands everyone quieted down. Mr. Morris, her teacher was the meanest and the strictest teacher in school. It was rotten luck that she had been chosen to be in his class, while Jackson was in the other. She even had to sit beside Danielle smith, the most popular and the most perfect and beautiful person in the whole grade!

Jenny’s life was abject, she was always miserable and once she even had depression!

Mr. Morris had just given an announcement and Jenny had been lost in her thoughts so she didn’t hear. Just then Mr. Morris said, “Jenny can you tell us what today is?” “Oh great” she thought Mr. Morris just had to pick me!”. “Um… is it your birthday?” Jenny replied. With the whole class burst out in laughter. “Class settle down!” Mr. Morris said “Jenny today is not my birthday but it is Terry Fox day. Today is to commemorate what he did for our country. Oh yes, Jenny, just in case you were not paying attention in out language class, commemorate means to remember.” Jenny felt her checks getting hot. Of course she had paid attention in class.

That day at recess Jenny heard Danielle say to her friends “That Jenny is so dumb! Everyone knows that Mr. Morris’s birthday is in June, not September!” Jenny felt like screaming in Danielle’s face, but she knew better, everyone knew that Danielle wreaked her anger by telling the teacher because last year she got mad at this kid and when she told the teacher she exaggerated so much to the teacher that the kid got expelled, and Jenny was already in enough trouble!

At the end of the day Jenny was languished; she flopped down on her couch and sat there looking pale all afternoon.

The next day she called in sick because she was still so tired. When she got back to school Danielle accused her of pretending to be sick. Lots of people advocated her, arguing with Danielle for her. Jackson was one of those people.

At recess Jenny and Jackson went for a walk. She talked about her feelings for him and it turns out that he still liked her! In the end she was happy!

Wordly Wise # 6

I was strolling down the street one day. Suddenly something told me that something was wrong, I looked at the town. An old lady was dancing up and down the street in her underwear, a couple of people were driving at 100 miles per hour, a man was hitting a woman and she was hitting back, and a person was smashing a piano! Yes it was a totally bizarre day. I soon realized that what the people were doing would cause many bad things to happen. The only way to stop a calamity is to get things back in order. I gathered a group of people who were still sensible and we had a discussion about this. Everybody had his or her own idea, there was a big dissention and soon there was a mutiny. We had started at 1:00pm and now it was 3:00, 2 hours had elapsed. I started to interrogate the people, asking them about what they think was wrong, what they think we should do, and what they would do if something like this happened again. I was meticulous in listening, looking at small details and taking the information in. Then finally, after all that questioning and information I figured it out. I apprehended that the people wanted to find out what happened by going to the parliament buildings and talking to the government. So, we went to the parliament buildings, there we found that the prime minister was away on vacation because he wanted people to lionize him by giving him food and lots of money and other things. Then we concluded that because there was no government that meant that the form of government right now would be anarchy, no government! Just then the prime minister came back and the problem was solved!

Wordly wise # 5

It was a serene day; I was lackadaisical to my surroundings. Then suddenly my friend told me that there was going to be a mutiny in the school. This remark made me rankle, because I don’t like violence. I rebuked them by yelling and telling my friend that if you want power, mutiny is not right. “Yes I suppose that you are right”, my friend said “we will stop the mutiny” After that all was serene again.

Wordly Wise #14The mystery

One night, I was walking along the road, looking for something to do. The moon was luminous, giving off that eerie light that I loved. I love the night, so many things to do, and all the nocturnal animals are out. I had been like this ever since I could remember.
I had always tried to decipher this enigma, trying everything that could help and thinking very deeply. Still nobody could figure out the answer to the enigma as it was ever so complicated. Lots of people consider me as a nocturnal person. I often slept during class and for that reason my parents had enrolled me in night school. All the time after and before school I would take my night stroll, it was irrepressible, I could never help it. My computer would be my alarm clock, it was infallible; it had never let me down. My schedule was, I went to school at 10:00pm I would come home at about 6:00am. After I got home I would watch the late shows or early shows on TV. After I while I would do my homework, than it would be bed time, which was around 9:00am. I woke up at about 7:00 I usually slept in. Then I would hive breakfast and watch more TV. It was very basic. I’m like a normal kid except I go to school when most of you are sleeping! My mother was congenial having oh so many friends. She was a teacher. My dad was very competitive, having vied for many awards, even though he looked a millennium old (he has tones of wrinkles) he competed a lot. He was very nice though and not rough at home. All my family is normal; everything they had said to me about being an individual was ineffectual. It never worked I still felt like the odd one out. One day I came upon a voluminous book called “Be One with Yourself” I carried it over to the table (it was sooo heavy having being so long and thick) and read some of it. I took it out later on, after I read it, I felt like I was in a mire all along, stuck in mud and now I felt like I was free! The book said that if I concentrate I would be able to do what I wanted to do, I wanted to be normal! I did what the book said. The feeling was intensely good; it was a sublime feeling soothing and splendid. After that I was normal again, I decided I didn’t like it, I did the thing again and I was nocturnal again, I thought that the me I am is the me I’ll always be!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

This is Gloria!

This is Gloria.

Gloria's Diary - Monday, January 14th, 2008

Dear Diary,
I’m really scared, there is nobody in the house and I’m all alone! I know what this is, they- that is the people are at school and at work, but now it is in a completely new place! I hope the people come back soon. It is getting dark here.

Gloria's Diary - Sunday, January 13th, 2008

Yes! I overheard the people talking about getting me a new tank! I hope they get it soon, cause I can barely turn around! Oh yeah there is this very annoying person called, um….Booby. I think. Anyways, the place I am in looks like this, A really high table, and I can’t really see the other side.

Gloria's Diary - Saturday, January 12th, 2008

Dear Diary,
I am getting use to this place. There is one face that I know I saw before. I think her name is Ma…. I can’t remember. The other people are scary though. There is one other thing, I need a new house I hope these people know because I will die if I don’t get a new tank soon. My shell is also getting soft, it feels weird.

Gloria's Diary - Friday, January 11th, 2008

Dear Diary,
I don’t know where I am! I just got off a great big moving thing and now I am in some sort of kitchen. I will name this place kitchen for the time being.