Thursday, January 24, 2008

Wordly Wise #14The mystery

One night, I was walking along the road, looking for something to do. The moon was luminous, giving off that eerie light that I loved. I love the night, so many things to do, and all the nocturnal animals are out. I had been like this ever since I could remember.
I had always tried to decipher this enigma, trying everything that could help and thinking very deeply. Still nobody could figure out the answer to the enigma as it was ever so complicated. Lots of people consider me as a nocturnal person. I often slept during class and for that reason my parents had enrolled me in night school. All the time after and before school I would take my night stroll, it was irrepressible, I could never help it. My computer would be my alarm clock, it was infallible; it had never let me down. My schedule was, I went to school at 10:00pm I would come home at about 6:00am. After I got home I would watch the late shows or early shows on TV. After I while I would do my homework, than it would be bed time, which was around 9:00am. I woke up at about 7:00 I usually slept in. Then I would hive breakfast and watch more TV. It was very basic. I’m like a normal kid except I go to school when most of you are sleeping! My mother was congenial having oh so many friends. She was a teacher. My dad was very competitive, having vied for many awards, even though he looked a millennium old (he has tones of wrinkles) he competed a lot. He was very nice though and not rough at home. All my family is normal; everything they had said to me about being an individual was ineffectual. It never worked I still felt like the odd one out. One day I came upon a voluminous book called “Be One with Yourself” I carried it over to the table (it was sooo heavy having being so long and thick) and read some of it. I took it out later on, after I read it, I felt like I was in a mire all along, stuck in mud and now I felt like I was free! The book said that if I concentrate I would be able to do what I wanted to do, I wanted to be normal! I did what the book said. The feeling was intensely good; it was a sublime feeling soothing and splendid. After that I was normal again, I decided I didn’t like it, I did the thing again and I was nocturnal again, I thought that the me I am is the me I’ll always be!


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